float argument

how to return float as argument

void ReturnFloatArg(AMX* amx, cell param, double value)
	cell *cptr;
	amx_GetAddr(amx, param, &cptr);
	*cptr = amx_ftoc(value);
and use

ReturnFloatArg(amx, params[1], atof(str));
str is "100.0"
what is wrong?

sorry for my bad English

Messages In This Thread
float argument - by Terminator3 - 09.07.2011, 11:31
Re: float argument - by Hiddos - 09.07.2011, 11:36
Re: float argument - by Terminator3 - 09.07.2011, 11:40
Re: float argument - by BlueG - 09.07.2011, 11:52

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