SA-MP 'Hosted' list?

Hello guys.
I have heard a lot of people talking about the "Hosted" list in SA-MP, and you have to go to and pay to get your server on the list. What is the point with the "Hosted" list, and what is the difference between "Internet" and "Hosted" list?

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP 'Hosted' list? - by sim_sima - 09.07.2011, 11:19
Re: AW: SA-MP 'Hosted' list? - by Infinity - 09.07.2011, 11:52
Re: SA-MP 'Hosted' list? - by sim_sima - 09.07.2011, 13:08
Respuesta: SA-MP 'Hosted' list? - by SuperMarioRol - 09.07.2011, 13:51
Re: SA-MP 'Hosted' list? - by linuxthefish - 09.07.2011, 14:06
Re: SA-MP 'Hosted' list? - by sim_sima - 09.07.2011, 14:37

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