weird gametext problem.

pawn Код:
sekundes = HOSPITAL_TIME - Hospital_Time[playerid];
format(sm_str, 128, "~r~Slimnica~n~~y~ atlikusas %i sekundes ", sekundes);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, sm_str, 1500, 6);
Print: ~r~Slimnica~n~~y~ atlikusas 29 sekundes

But it shows 'Slimnica', it should be 'Slimnica~n~ atlikusas 29 sekundes'
What's wrong? Mysteriously the last part of the gametext dissapears.

Edit: It works if i put all text in one line. I still need this problem fixed..

Messages In This Thread
weird gametext problem. - by WooTFTW - 09.07.2011, 10:24
Re: weird gametext problem. - by iJumbo - 09.07.2011, 10:53
Re: weird gametext problem. - by WooTFTW - 09.07.2011, 11:34
Re: weird gametext problem. - by Babul - 09.07.2011, 12:08

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