Originally Posted by Basicz
Wtf? That will not work....
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) { new useUnderscore[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = { 1, ... } ;
new pName[ 24 ] ;
GetPlayerName( playerid, pName, sizeof ( pName ) );
if ( strfind( pName, "Admin", true ) != -1 ) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BM, ">> OK you are an admin, wait for login.."); useUnderscore[ playerid ] = 0; }
useUnderscore[ playerid ] = 1;
if ( useUnderscore[ playerid ] ) { if ( strfind( pName, "_", true ) == -1 ) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BM, ">> Bad nickname."); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BM, ">> Name type: Firstname_Lastname."); Kick(playerid); } }
return 1; }
I think it will work like that...
These not working;
I give up make it like FS. I will use it on gamemode OnPlayerLogin with pAdmin (LARP GM) As Shadoww5 and RealCop228 said. But still dont know how to do it.