[Critical] No HP loss while riding a bike or a BMX + resume of DM bugs


Some of us (DMers) have noticed a new bug appeared on 0.3b or 0.3c, I'm not quite sure which version the bug appeared but most likely on 0.3c. Even some players are even abusing this bug to take advantage during a match or a situation.

The bug is simple to understand and track, but it doesn't happen always at 100%. At least as far as I tested, sometimes people get hit, sometimes they don't.
While you are riding a bike or a bicycle, if people shoot you, even if you stopped, you do take hits on the skin and even on your screen you see your skin losing blood but your HP won't get down.

This bug has been spotted in various clans and it's tending to be more abusive through the days.
This bug is critical because it's a client bug interacting directly with the game and damaging some matches a lot.
I remember this bug on 0.2X and 0.3a (and perhaps 0.3b) didn't exist. You could hit people normally.
Now things got weird.

I WILL try to get this bug recorded on ******* so you can easily see how it is.

And now to resume the list of bugs that penalize a lot the Deathmatching on 0.3c, here I leave you the bugs organized in a list and with the respective videos hoping for the next SAMP version to have them fixed for good.

Reload bug - Sometimes you're shooting but others see you reloading (appeared in 0.3c and happens with any weapons that use a reloadable clip, although happens with spas more frequently for some reason)

Sniper Bug - It's rare but still happens. Snipers shoot their own head. (bug exists since 0.2 versions)


Bike + Bicycle bug - Sometimes people can't hit you if you are riding one of those. (bug exists since 0.3(c?) )
Video soon.

Kind Regards,

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