help key state

if you want your gates open when you press a key then you have to put your codes under this function

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)

	return 1;
il make you a example:

oh and here you can get the button id-s
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)

    if(newkeys & KEY_SPRINT) // Sprint key, when you want you character run faster
gate = 1;
MoveObject(gatename, 1588.965698, -1637.882690, 7.710285, 1.50);
else if(gate==1)
gate= 0;
MoveObject(gatename, 1588.965698, -1637.882690, 15.260185, 1.50);

	return 1;
its pretty easy, just the function needs to be scripted better, it was just given for an example, you have to change to your likings.

Messages In This Thread
help key state - by [MKD]Max - 08.07.2011, 18:41
Re: help key state - by WoodPecker - 08.07.2011, 18:58
Re: help key state - by andruz99 - 08.07.2011, 20:54
Re: help key state - by Unte99 - 11.07.2011, 18:37

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