08.07.2011, 20:04
Where is this golden community that you speak of? I've been around for 4-5 years now and yet to see anything popular without problems.
I can tell NG-RP didn't just make their server without promising stuff to the other players, and I've been on your community forums seeing flame war after flame war. And this is kind of behaviour the staff just choose to accept. I barely have such things go down on PR-RP's forums. In-Game it's another story sometimes but our forums barely have any existing flame wars that last more than one or two days without them being handled and controlled and solved and normally only one flame thread about once a week.
It depends on how well you can control your community. And how much you reminded them that this server is based off hate. Clearly if it was made to be based of hate of another community that clearly shows you as (Head Staff) are just as bad as they are. And they believe they have the right, if they came to move to your community from that other server, that they have the right to want what they want, and start arguments and hateful wars. And stab people in the back, only because their head staff did the same thing.
Clearly if your stealing somebody else's gamemode, removing their website and linking it to yours and whatever else you might of done, shows how immature you guys where with the hate towards SA-RP. I wouldn't want to be with a community with head staff that do such actions. Sooner or later they are going to turn on each other. And it seems it already has happened since the gamemode was leaked. I can't say that its for sure because maybe you made mistakes like me and trusted the wrong people. But you should of brought your community up without hate towards SA-RP and removing their website and taking their database and linking it to your website. That was the wrong moves in my eyes and I've felt that such actions should of never of happened. But that's children running server's now days, give them enough power and they fuck you over.
All I know I'd never play there no matter what if I had a server or not. I rather be able to trust the owner of the server I am playing is responsible and mature. So there's less worries about having the community dying sooner or later. It's kind of funny now days I see such communities that are well set up and a whole lot more organized getting nowhere but a community that tries to destroy another get's to the top.