08.07.2011, 18:21
Forgive me, but are you going around calling my code crap on hearsay accusations from a bunch of newbies who are ripping off the in-complete source? The irony is that it's quite obvious that you didn't look at the source, and claiming a bunch of crap you don't know anything about, fucking ridiculous.
I'm sorry that I don't feed on the bullshit you deliver on a daily basis to everyone. You go around "omg look at me, I've got a life, exams exams exams exams, work work work work", on the other hand you find time to go around spamming the shit out of these boards.
How exactly am I being full of myself? Indulge me, Calgon. The entire time you were on the NGG team was basically spent bitching at the rest of the team because they weren't doing something your way. Going around making false statements and boasting about your "knowledge".
I'm not even talking in the contexts of SA-MP, you was or were talking about going into the programming field in the IT industry, I was measly commenting on your lack of teamwork and how you would poorly fit into any business.
It's not "talk[ing] shit," it's what I believe (and pretty much, know) to be honest.