what's wrong?

Try put this at the bottom of OnPlayerCommandText:

PHP код:
new cmd[256], idx;
cmd strtok(cmdtextidx); 
And after replace this:

PHP код:
if(strcmp("/work"cmdtexttrue10) == 0
By this:

PHP код:
if(strcmp("/work"cmdtrue10) == 0

Messages In This Thread
what's wrong? - by breakpaper - 07.07.2011, 09:29
Re: what's wrong? - by (SF)Noobanatior - 07.07.2011, 09:50
Re: what's wrong? - by breakpaper - 07.07.2011, 10:31
Re: what's wrong? - by Shadoww5 - 07.07.2011, 13:45

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