How is this possible?

the arrow?Is a new object(0.3c)
is one of this :

19130, ArrowType1, MatArrows, 120, 0
19131, ArrowType2, MatArrows, 120, 0
19132, ArrowType3, MatArrows, 120, 0
19133, ArrowType4, MatArrows, 120, 0
19134, ArrowType5, MatArrows, 120, 0

Messages In This Thread
How is this possible? - by lukas567 - 07.07.2011, 06:10
Re: How is this possible? - by Harry_Sandhu - 07.07.2011, 06:21
Re: How is this possible? - by Norck - 07.07.2011, 07:49
Re: How is this possible? - by Farsek - 07.07.2011, 07:53
Re: How is this possible? - by WoodPecker - 07.07.2011, 12:41

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