Ban List on forums ....How??

In a PM the OP sent me:


Hello Sir,
Can you please help me in Mysql system...well i am totally noob at it.... i just want my server ban list on my forums here! .....I dont know anything about how it can be done i only know it can be done in two ways one with mysql and other is php.....and i am noob at both

Please Sir I need Your Help


I probably should've quoted that in my post as my post seems quite out of context without it.

Messages In This Thread
Ban List on forums ....How?? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 18.06.2011, 21:24
Re: Ban List on forums ....How?? - by Calgon - 06.07.2011, 16:01
Re: Ban List on forums ....How?? - by Calgon - 06.07.2011, 16:09
Re: Ban List on forums ....How?? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 06.07.2011, 16:18
Re: Ban List on forums ....How?? - by Calgon - 06.07.2011, 16:20
Re: Ban List on forums ....How?? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 06.07.2011, 16:21
Re: Ban List on forums ....How?? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 06.07.2011, 16:45
Re: Ban List on forums ....How?? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 06.07.2011, 16:55
Re: Ban List on forums ....How?? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 06.07.2011, 17:16

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