05.07.2011, 12:33
Updated to version 1.2:
Definitions added for creating your own serverside sprays or using the new function Spray::UpdateTag:
Added a new function:
The function above allows you to change a tag's gang spray, use the codes above to refer to the sprayTag parameter.
Function OnPlayerCreateSpray has been updated with a new parameter returning the sprayID that was last created. (Example on topic post).
Definitions added for creating your own serverside sprays or using the new function Spray::UpdateTag:
pawn Код:
SPRAY_TAG_FYB_1 Front Yard Ballas
SPRAY_TAG_FYB_2 Front Yard Ballas 2
SPRAY_TAG_FYB_3 Front Yard Ballas 3
SPRAY_TAG_RIFA San Fierro Rifa
SPRAY_TAG_RHB Rollin Heights Ballas
SPRAY_TAG_SEVILLE Seville Families
pawn Код:
Spray::UpdateTag( sprayID, sprayTag );
Function OnPlayerCreateSpray has been updated with a new parameter returning the sprayID that was last created. (Example on topic post).