05.07.2011, 02:50
I will add-on to this.
%d - decimal, can be used as an integer also (%i)
%f - FLOAT module.
%i - integer, can be used with %d
There are many functions to manipulate strings, and also format them. Here's a list:pawn Code:
bool: ispacked(const string[])
memcpy(dest[], const source[], index=0, numbytes, maxlength=sizeof dest)
strcat(dest[], const source[], maxlength=sizeof dest)
strcmp(const string1[], const string2[],bool: ignorecase=false, length=cellmax)
strcopy(dest[], const source[], maxlength=sizeof dest)
bool: strdel(string[], start, end)
bool: strequal(const string1[], const string2[],bool: ignorecase=false,length=cellmax)
strfind(const string[], const sub[],bool: ignorecase=false, index=0)
strformat(dest[], size=sizeof dest, bool: pack=false, const format[], . . . )
bool: strins(string[], const substr[], index,maxlength=sizeof string)
strlen(const string[])
strmid(dest[], const source[],start=0, end=cellmax,maxlength=sizeof dest)
strpack(dest[], const source[],maxlength=sizeof dest)
strunpack(dest[], const source[],maxlength=sizeof dest)
strval(const string[], index=0)
uudecode(dest[], const source[], maxlength=sizeof dest)
uuencode(dest[], const source[], numbytes, maxlength=sizeof dest)
valstr(dest[], value, bool: pack=false)
%s - string%d - decimal, can be used as an integer also (%i)
%f - FLOAT module.
%i - integer, can be used with %d