Calling DCMD commands from under OnDialogResponse?

Hmm... Just tried that, script compiled fine, but the dialog option does not do anything at all. I think it might be my dialog, so I'm gonna try something here. I'll edit my post with the results.

EDIT: It works! My dialog was broken. Fixed that, applied your method, and it works great. Thanks!

Messages In This Thread
Calling DCMD commands from under OnDialogResponse? - by XpanD - 04.07.2011, 19:37
Re: Calling DCMD commands from under OnDialogResponse? - by Vince - 04.07.2011, 19:41
Re: Calling DCMD commands from under OnDialogResponse? - by XpanD - 04.07.2011, 19:48
Re: Calling DCMD commands from under OnDialogResponse? - by FireCat - 04.07.2011, 20:40

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