[FilterScript] All 0Admins CMDS

Originally Posted by Zh3r0
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Quadruple facepalms are better than one.
And that's actually a forum emoticon, its : picard : without the spaces.

This is what you get if people don't read carefully the whole folder.

Messages In This Thread
All 0Admins CMDS - by sampx - 30.06.2011, 04:35
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Loading... - 30.06.2011, 04:50
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Skaizo - 30.06.2011, 04:51
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Laronic - 30.06.2011, 04:54
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Loading... - 30.06.2011, 05:12
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by SmileyForCheat - 30.06.2011, 05:23
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Lorenc_ - 30.06.2011, 05:33
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Scenario - 30.06.2011, 05:36
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Zh3r0 - 30.06.2011, 05:58
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by sampx - 30.06.2011, 13:36

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