Easiest way to make domain work

Where have you registered your domain? You should be able to add a A record to your VPS IP. Aditional domains can be setup in vhosts.

Messages In This Thread
Easiest way to make domain work - by Ivan_Pantovic - 29.06.2011, 00:12
Re: Easiest way to make domain work - by Mark_Weston - 29.06.2011, 01:40
Re: Easiest way to make domain work - by Ivan_Pantovic - 29.06.2011, 08:38
Re: Easiest way to make domain work - by Scones - 30.06.2011, 08:50
Re: Easiest way to make domain work - by linuxthefish - 30.06.2011, 08:54

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