[FilterScript] All 0Admins CMDS

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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What is the point in posting if all you are going to do is post this picture?

@ sampx: You clearly don't know how this forum works. Nor do you know how to read the documents included with the release package(s)...
Quadruple facepalms are better than one.
And that's actually a forum emoticon, its : picard : without the spaces.

This is what you get if people don't read carefully the whole folder.

Messages In This Thread
All 0Admins CMDS - by sampx - 30.06.2011, 04:35
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Loading... - 30.06.2011, 04:50
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Skaizo - 30.06.2011, 04:51
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Laronic - 30.06.2011, 04:54
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Loading... - 30.06.2011, 05:12
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by SmileyForCheat - 30.06.2011, 05:23
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Lorenc_ - 30.06.2011, 05:33
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Scenario - 30.06.2011, 05:36
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by Zh3r0 - 30.06.2011, 05:58
Re: All 0Admins CMDS - by sampx - 30.06.2011, 13:36

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