28.06.2011, 01:46
The enum variable always saves next unused constant number
Lets start in our enum
Now it should be clear why the out of bounds error appeared
Since all variables are by default 0 (false) you dont need to set bActive to false
Lets start in our enum
pawn Код:
enum CTask //normal mode (+= 1)
int:iSleep, // = 0
int:iRemainingTime, // = 1
int:iType, // = 2
sParam1[256], // = 3 - 258
sParam2[256], // = 259 - 514
bool:bActive = false, //normally 515 but we set it to 0 again
}; // => last constant number + 1 step => CTask = 1
new pTasks[MAX_TASKS][CTask];
Since all variables are by default 0 (false) you dont need to set bActive to false