Faction chat

Hey guys. I'm now having a admin chat. I also want to make a admin chat.
This is how I send an admin chat message.
pawn Код:
SendAdminMessage(color, text[])
    foreach(Player, i)
        if (PlayerInfo[i][pAdminLevel] >= 1)
            SendClientMessage(i, color, text);
    return 0;
How will I do that with this variable?

I first have to get the faction name.
This is how I get a faction name:
pawn Код:
    format(file, sizeof(file), SERVER_USER_FILE, Name);
    format(String,sizeof(String),"%s",dini_Get(file, "Faction"),Name);
How will I make a faction chat for that?
Please help me I want it like the SendAdminMessage.

Messages In This Thread
Faction chat - by bartje01 - 27.06.2011, 14:22

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