Why this Wont work!

i`m trying to check if player was @ point then other player went to that point it wont work till the first player leave that point .

here my codes

pawn Код:
forward Refill();

new RefillArea[MAX_PLAYERS];

new bool:wentinsidetp;

public OnGameModeInit()
SetTimer("Refill", 1000, true);

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
wentinsidetp = false;

public Refill()
foreach(Player, i)
     if(PlayerToPoint(1, i, -242.6534,2811.0254,62.1717))
            if(RefillArea[i] == 0 && wentinsidetp == false)
                if(Team[i] == trucker)
                    TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, refillTake[i]);
                    RefillArea[i] = 1;
                    wentinsidetp = true;
        wentinsidetp = true;
                new str[128], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
                GetPlayerName(i, name, sizeof(name));
                format(str, sizeof(str), "%s is refilling his truck", name);
                RefillArea[i] = 1;
                SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_CON_GREEN, "*Stay In here for 25 seconds to refill your truck");
                Timerefill[i] = SetTimer("refillend",25000,0);
            RefillArea[i] = 0;
       wentinsidetp = false;
           TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, refillTake[i]);
     return 1;
the problem is when more than 1 player in server the codes wont work.

Messages In This Thread
Why this Wont work! - by Unknown_Killer - 26.06.2011, 15:20
Re: Why this Wont work! - by Skaizo - 26.06.2011, 16:47
Re: Why this Wont work! - by Unknown_Killer - 26.06.2011, 17:40
Re: Why this Wont work! - by Skaizo - 26.06.2011, 17:41

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