[HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin

Hello everyone,

Last wekk I started to edit a LA-RP script his House, vehicle and business system to a more dynamic system. However now thats finished I get a weird bug in my game...

When a player logs in he will spawn in some random skin. at the last know position. but thats not the meaning. It takes arouind 20 to 30 seconds to respawn him in the wished skin position and stats. During this period you also can't use any commands.

I really don't know what the problem is, so please if someone wants to take a look for me

Gamemode: http://www.mediafire.com/?h4w60k8xp4t8tyj

For those who don't get my proble I included the server to run it yourself....
Server: http://www.mediafire.com/?rw5jjglvbbl2j19

Greetings and Thanks,

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by Kastranova - 26.06.2011, 14:56
Re: [HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by Hiddos - 26.06.2011, 15:08
Re: [HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by Vince - 26.06.2011, 16:16
Re: [HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by Kastranova - 26.06.2011, 16:21
Re: [HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by Hiddos - 26.06.2011, 16:25
Re: [HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by Kastranova - 26.06.2011, 18:03
Re: [HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by Vince - 26.06.2011, 18:07
Re: [HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by Kastranova - 26.06.2011, 18:16
Re: [HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by FUNExtreme - 26.06.2011, 18:38
Re: [HELP] Very Slow OnPlayerLogin - by Kastranova - 26.06.2011, 18:40

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