scripting time possiblities

Depends on the length, and type, and odds are if you are trying to make quality, you wouldn't want it done in 12 hours, you'd debug it and make everything work as efficient as possible.

Messages In This Thread
scripting time possiblities - by marine - 26.06.2011, 05:19
Re: scripting time possiblities - by [HiC]TheKiller - 26.06.2011, 06:01
Re: scripting time possiblities - by marine - 26.06.2011, 06:17
Re: scripting time possiblities - by Bakr - 26.06.2011, 07:02
Re: scripting time possiblities - by iPLEOMAX - 26.06.2011, 10:39
Re: scripting time possiblities - by PrawkC - 26.06.2011, 12:41
Re: scripting time possiblities - by Hiddos - 26.06.2011, 13:34
Re: scripting time possiblities - by XFlawless - 26.06.2011, 13:36
Re: scripting time possiblities - by Mean - 26.06.2011, 13:50
Re: scripting time possiblities - by Hiddos - 26.06.2011, 14:18

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