Professional Coders

I've no idea why you think this is worth mentioning, and why you felt the need to harass them about their scripting.


Bakr: Frank - Pawno doesn't use the includes. The scripts you produce (which can be inside pawno

Yes, Pawno does use the includes, it reads them then displays function syntax for reference, so on a technicality you're wrong.

Edited to add: Also, you don't know how many of those lines are whitespace or comments.

Edited again to add: Also, Pawno does not have any form of "in-line compiler" whatever you think that is.

Messages In This Thread
Professional Coders - by Bakr - 26.06.2011, 06:53
Re: Professional Coders - by WooTFTW - 26.06.2011, 07:06
Re: Professional Coders - by Bakr - 26.06.2011, 07:10
Re: Professional Coders - by [L3th4l] - 26.06.2011, 07:12
Re: Professional Coders - by langricr - 26.06.2011, 07:23
Re: Professional Coders - by Ruffles. - 26.06.2011, 07:23
Re: Professional Coders - by Bakr - 26.06.2011, 07:29
Re: Professional Coders - by Krx17 - 26.06.2011, 07:34

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