Vehicles don't respawn.

Good Morning,
Okay I've been recently notified about vehicles not respawning on my server. I looked into the matter and could find nothing wrong.

I hooked the CreateVehicle function to allow me to set a "global respawn time" without changing every vehicle if it needed changing. The CreateVehicle function I created also handles the creation of vehicles which are not to be moved (and are to be switched off always)

I know this function works, as i've printed its outcome (and now my server log is full of "Vehicle Created")

Here is the function:

pawn Code:
stock _CreateVehicle(vtype, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot, color1, color2, respawn, show=0)
    #pragma unused respawn
    return CreateVehicle(vtype, x, y, z, rot, color1, color2, (show == 0) ? 60000 : -1);

#define CreateVehicle _CreateVehicle
I will explain the last bit.
The "show" variable is passed as 1 when a vehicle that is not to be moved by players is to be created.
The ternary operator then sorts out the respawn time based on the show variable. The show variable defaults to 0, and so no special addons to the CreateVehicle lines further down the script is needed.

The ternary operator, says if show is at its default (so show == 0) then the respawn time will be one minute. Otherwise (it is something else, should be one unless I failed at typing) it will be -1.

I don't understand why the vehicles aren't respawning. I know that they aren't just because i've sat at a vehicle spawn for around 10 minutes, and the vehicle hadn't respawned. (This was on the test server, and so noone could of been using the vehicle)

Has anyone got any ideas?


Messages In This Thread
Vehicles don't respawn. - by Ash. - 26.06.2011, 07:04
Re: Vehicles don't respawn. - by Ash. - 26.06.2011, 07:25

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