SendClientMessage only once

I got it tho it shows a message when player does register in dialog it sends a message.

So he gets the message before he logs in... (which is not what I wanetd but I think I gotta go with it)

Messages In This Thread
SendClientMessage only once - by Tachibana - 24.06.2011, 17:43
Re: SendClientMessage only once - by undeR. - 24.06.2011, 17:47
Re: SendClientMessage only once - by Kitten - 24.06.2011, 17:48
Re: SendClientMessage only once - by Tachibana - 24.06.2011, 17:56
Re: SendClientMessage only once - by =WoR=Varth - 24.06.2011, 18:00
Re: SendClientMessage only once - by Tachibana - 24.06.2011, 18:06

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