Movable objects already in the game?

You have to tell even the default objects in the game to move.
Even if you spawn a default object somewhere, you still have to tell it to move, even though it used to move by default.

This is because once you spawn it in a new location, it forgets what to do, so to speak.

Forgive me if I'm wrong.

Messages In This Thread
Movable objects already in the game? - by Jack_Leslie - 24.06.2011, 03:39
Re: Movable objects already in the game? - by DVDXD - 24.06.2011, 04:57
Re: Movable objects already in the game? - by Jack_Leslie - 24.06.2011, 04:58
Re: Movable objects already in the game? - by omgkillerzambies - 24.06.2011, 06:12

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