Looking for a scripting job.

Gomma, i have done scripting for cash once, about a week ago. I helped a 12 year old with his script. Made 30 dollars out of it. If you really wanted to know. I scripted some stuff in his script minor stuff, Jobs in city hall (LS) did some work for the tazer. for LSPD made my own neon filterscript for him, which is somthing that I might post here right away. I also scripted garages for him, when you buy a house it gives a option to add a garage. If you click the garage it has a price.. Obviously there is more than one garage. But if you bought it you would go up to it and type /entergarage I mean as i said i can do some sample stuff. I wouldnt even bother stealing your script when i have my own that i worked hard on.

Messages In This Thread
Looking for a scripting job. - by Mrminecraft202 - 24.06.2011, 00:47
Re: Looking for a scripting job. - by PCheriyan007 - 24.06.2011, 00:50
AW: Looking for a scripting job. - by Gomma - 24.06.2011, 00:57
Re: Looking for a scripting job. - by Mrminecraft202 - 24.06.2011, 01:16
Re: Looking for a scripting job. - by Mrminecraft202 - 24.06.2011, 01:19

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