MySQL | Does not return the correct value


I have this code:

pawn Код:
    new s_return[256];
    mysql_query("SELECT 'Weapon1Money' FROM 'SERVER'");
    mysql_free_result( );
    format(String,256,"%d",strval(s_return) );
    return 1;
But the thing I'm doing this command does not return the correct value exists in the table.
If someone can get me a revised code, I already understand the code and learn what's the problem.

Thanks in advance helpers =)

Messages In This Thread
MySQL | Does not return the correct value - by EviLpRo - 23.06.2011, 16:15
Re: MySQL | Does not return the correct value - by gimini - 23.06.2011, 16:28
Re: MySQL | Does not return the correct value - by EviLpRo - 23.06.2011, 16:40

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