Weapon saving system reboots server

I have a problem with my weapon saving system. When I have It on my server, weapons save, but It always is a cause of gamemode restart, which is on every save. I don't know If It is when new file creates in my weapon folder (in scriptfiles) or during the registartion or when a player leaves server, but has a file with his weapons in folder. I don't know where is a problem, but maybe you can help me.

Sorry for my bad english, here is a file with FS (From this forum): http://www.sendspace.pl/file/0d14e14db4d4d36ed38e1a1
(Polish site, press "Pobierz" in blue circle to download)

Thank you for your help.

Messages In This Thread
Weapon saving system reboots server - by JanochaPL - 22.06.2011, 19:53
Re: Weapon saving system reboots server - by =WoR=Varth - 22.06.2011, 22:32
Re: Weapon saving system reboots server - by Tachibana - 22.06.2011, 22:35
Re: Weapon saving system reboots server - by JanochaPL - 23.06.2011, 14:25

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