NPC: SetPlayerSkin problem!! Someone help?

Originally Posted by FireCat
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Well normally NPC's are id 0,1,2.. the newer id's.
So if the NPC id you want to change is 0, i'd suggest (how i do it) do SetPlayerSkin(0,skinid);
It doesn't work man, I try a different methods , but all fails...
please some new suggestions...and thanks for trying help me.

Messages In This Thread
NPC: SetPlayerSkin problem!! Someone help? - by Nr1FANEX - 22.06.2011, 13:45
Re: NPC: SetPlayerSkin problem!! Someone help? - by FireCat - 22.06.2011, 14:04
Re: NPC: SetPlayerSkin problem!! Someone help? - by Nr1FANEX - 22.06.2011, 15:20
Re: NPC: SetPlayerSkin problem!! Someone help? - by Nr1FANEX - 23.06.2011, 09:24
Re: NPC: SetPlayerSkin problem!! Someone help? - by =WoR=Varth - 23.06.2011, 23:20

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