/me command

I want a command that works like /me is tired and it shows *ColdIce is tired

Will this work?

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/me", true, 3))
if(!cmdtext[3])return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "USAGE: /me [action]");
new str[128];
GetPlayerName(playerid, str, sizeof(str));
format(str, sizeof(str), "* %s %s", str, cmdtext[4]);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, str);
return 1;
return 0;

Messages In This Thread
/me command - by ColdIce - 21.06.2011, 14:24
Re: /me command - by Wesley221 - 21.06.2011, 14:27
Re: /me command - by Basicz - 21.06.2011, 14:32
Re: /me command - by ColdIce - 21.06.2011, 14:48
Re: /me command - by Wesley221 - 21.06.2011, 15:06
Re: /me command - by ColdIce - 21.06.2011, 15:16
Re: /me command - by RoleplayEditor - 21.06.2011, 15:44
Re: /me command - by ColdIce - 21.06.2011, 16:10
Re: /me command - by ColdIce - 21.06.2011, 16:13

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