automatic pickup gates

Why this gate code sorta lag. If i enter icon... and then re-enter it after gates are closed.. the gates starts to move... but in middle stops and fast goes back. It works perfect only 1 time. Then like i said.. move till middle of opening and fast goes back.
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    if(pickupid == openjgin)
    SetTimerEx("openjgintimer", 5000, true, "i", playerid);
   SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GOLD,"You have 5 seconds to get out!");
    MoveStreamObject(jailgate,-345.25119018555, 1741.0574951172, 41.6875,3); // Opening gates
    return 1;

forward openjgintimer(playerid);
public openjgintimer(playerid)
     MoveStreamObject(jailgate,-344.23748779297, 1732.3273925781, 41.6875,1); // Closing gates
     return 1;

Messages In This Thread
automatic pickup gates - by krisis32 - 21.06.2011, 12:36
Re: automatic pickup gates - by Wesley221 - 21.06.2011, 12:39
Re: automatic pickup gates - by krisis32 - 21.06.2011, 13:13

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