Attach Object To Player [Please Help Me]

pawn Код:
SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, index, modelid, bone, Float:fOffsetX = 0.0, Float:fOffsetY = 0.0, Float:fOffsetZ = 0.0, Float:fRotX = 0.0, Float:fRotY = 0.0, Float:fRotZ = 0.0, Float:fScaleX = 1.0, Float:fScaleY = 1.0, Float:fScaleZ = 1.0);
Maybe you put the wrong number of arguments or IDK what's that called.
Btw what is this?
pawn Код:
TrafficCone[playerid] = CreateObject(1210,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 5);

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