Help with Skin Choising Names...(Explained In post)

I am editing an Wars GM for a friend, and he wanted to change al gangs name and stuff...
The problem is:

There is some gangs, that i replaced with others... One example, are the Workers...
I've replace all workers definitions, and setted them to AdminGroup, but when i go in the class point, for choising the skin, under the AdminGroup skinsm it still saying workers....
Why is that happening?
I don't have ANYTHING in the GM/FS's with the name Workers, but they are showing in game....
Please help me. Is there a reason?
If needed, i will psot the script.

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Help with Skin Choising Names...(Explained In post) - by ricardo178 - 20.06.2011, 21:11
Re: Help with Skin Choising Names...(Explained In post) - by Cypress - 20.06.2011, 21:41
Re: Help with Skin Choising Names...(Explained In post) - by ricardo178 - 21.06.2011, 09:15
Re: Help with Skin Choising Names...(Explained In post) - by Wesley221 - 21.06.2011, 09:20

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