My car spawning problem.?

I'm using this script:
PHP код:
            new veh;
veh CreateVehicle(4152135.12, -2552.6513.559000100000000000000000000000000);
I want to: If he is already in a car, he cant spawn a car and it will say:

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You are already in a car, leave your car to spawn a new one.");

Messages In This Thread
My car spawning problem.? - by lawonama - 18.06.2011, 18:28
Re: My car spawning problem.? - by boelie - 18.06.2011, 19:00
Re: My car spawning problem.? - by lawonama - 18.06.2011, 19:36
Re: My car spawning problem.? - by boelie - 18.06.2011, 19:46

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