countdown timer

Originally Posted by The Woody
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Im not using linux, but if the MySQL is up 24/7 why can't it just update the "timer" every hour or something that should be possible? and the server is up 24/7 its just when i restart i don't want the timer to restart or stop.

But if its not possible on windows well.. thanks for helping then.
Again, MySQL saves information. It doesn't execute timers.

Messages In This Thread
countdown timer - by The Woody - 17.06.2011, 17:21
Re: countdown timer - by Sasino97 - 17.06.2011, 17:33
Re: countdown timer - by The Woody - 17.06.2011, 19:05
Re: countdown timer - by Calgon - 17.06.2011, 21:54
Re: countdown timer - by The Woody - 18.06.2011, 14:39
Re: countdown timer - by Kayaque - 18.06.2011, 17:19
Re: countdown timer - by __ - 18.06.2011, 17:25
Re: countdown timer - by The Woody - 18.06.2011, 20:33

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