countdown timer

Originally Posted by Calg00ne
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MySQL is a database storage system - it stores data and lets you select/update/delete from it, it's not a timer system...

If you're using Linux, you could use PHP or a bash/shell script with a CRON.
Im not using linux, but if the MySQL is up 24/7 why can't it just update the "timer" every hour or something that should be possible? and the server is up 24/7 its just when i restart i don't want the timer to restart or stop.

But if its not possible on windows well.. thanks for helping then.

Messages In This Thread
countdown timer - by The Woody - 17.06.2011, 17:21
Re: countdown timer - by Sasino97 - 17.06.2011, 17:33
Re: countdown timer - by The Woody - 17.06.2011, 19:05
Re: countdown timer - by Calgon - 17.06.2011, 21:54
Re: countdown timer - by The Woody - 18.06.2011, 14:39
Re: countdown timer - by Kayaque - 18.06.2011, 17:19
Re: countdown timer - by __ - 18.06.2011, 17:25
Re: countdown timer - by The Woody - 18.06.2011, 20:33

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