2 Bugs

I've checked the second one in single player, and I found that CJ cannot fight that fast and jump that high. The fighting speed is the same after buying a drink in a vending machine.
However, the fighting speed in single player is faster than that in SA-MP when the bug occurs.
I guess it could be SA-MP bug, since the fighting speed seems to be faster than single player.
I'm using UsePlayerPedAnims.

Messages In This Thread
2 Bugs - by leong124 - 15.06.2011, 11:45
Re: 2 Bugs - by davve95 - 15.06.2011, 15:15
Re: 2 Bugs - by sim_sima - 15.06.2011, 15:23
Re: 2 Bugs - by Elorreli - 15.06.2011, 17:19
Re: 2 Bugs - by sim_sima - 15.06.2011, 18:27
Re: 2 Bugs - by Burridge - 15.06.2011, 18:36
Re: 2 Bugs - by sim_sima - 15.06.2011, 19:00
Re: 2 Bugs - by Scenario - 15.06.2011, 19:08
Re: 2 Bugs - by leong124 - 16.06.2011, 07:28

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