IsPlayerConnected usefull?

Originally Posted by blinkpnk
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I have some difficulty understanding the importance of IsPlayerConnected(playerid) in a code where playerid is the id of a player wich just interacted with something....

Thank you,
If you use it on that way, it can be pretty useless yeah. But it's important in loops and multi parameter commands.

Messages In This Thread
IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by rt-2 - 14.06.2011, 10:56
Re: IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by Danny - 14.06.2011, 10:58
Re: IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by rt-2 - 14.06.2011, 11:02
Re: IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by Cyanide - 14.06.2011, 12:57
Re: IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by rt-2 - 14.06.2011, 14:23

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