IsPlayerConnected usefull?


I have some difficulty understanding the importance of IsPlayerConnected(playerid) in a code where playerid is the id of a player wich just interacted with something....

Thank you,

Messages In This Thread
IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by rt-2 - 14.06.2011, 10:56
Re: IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by Danny - 14.06.2011, 10:58
Re: IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by rt-2 - 14.06.2011, 11:02
Re: IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by Cyanide - 14.06.2011, 12:57
Re: IsPlayerConnected usefull? - by rt-2 - 14.06.2011, 14:23

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