[HELP]Silly Question To Be Answered

Hello Guys i am making a new and fresh GM......
I have some questions-
1. I have about 3000 object using Incognito's streamer, But they dont load .........so you have to go in-game and restart the GM (GMX) (i am using Lux Admin).
2. How can i use colours in dialogs?
 if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/help", true) == 0)
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,HELP,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Available Commands:","\n/General - Commands in General\n/Account - Your Account Information\n/Vehicles - Vehicle Commands\n/Extra - Extra Commands","OK","Cancel");
		return 1;
3. I am working on a awesome GM and want some simple help if someone here to help me please PM!

Thank You For Your Time !


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