[FilterScript] Driving Route

Description: Have you ever wanted to entertain your players so you won't lose them? This is a simple filterscript about a race in the 8BallTrack with Hotring cars. You can start the event whenever you want, and the future-racers have to type /participate to join the race. After the first racer finished the laps, a timer begins and the others need to finish the race before the timer reaches 0. Only 12 racers are allowed to enter the championship.

The race organiser can use:

/raceevent [laps-number] [Prize(cash)]
/startrace ( after at least one player typed /participate )

Author: Ov3r
How to install: Add "Ov3rsRace" to the filterscripts line in server.cfg or type /rcon loadfs Ov3rsRace after you downloaded the filterscript and pasted it to the filterscripts folder.
Download: Ov3rsRace.amx | Ov3rsRace.pwn

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Messages In This Thread
Driving Route - by CONTROLA - 12.06.2011, 15:46
Re: Driving Route - by Gazmull - 12.06.2011, 15:48
Re: Driving Route - by CONTROLA - 12.06.2011, 15:51
Re: Driving Route - by Ricop522 - 12.06.2011, 15:58
Re: Driving Route - by BlackG - 12.06.2011, 15:59
Re: Driving Route - by Michael@Belgium - 12.06.2011, 16:07
Re: Driving Route - by 12kelvin12 - 12.06.2011, 16:10
Re: Driving Route - by Jos3y - 12.06.2011, 16:31
Re: Driving Route - by Iphone1234g - 12.06.2011, 16:35

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