11.06.2011, 22:00
okay this topic is going nowhere, what we have now, we will have in the future, I think any further discussions don't matter or are useless if no-one is going to release a anti cheat.
Well I enjoyed the topic and nice idea's but creating a MP mod also brings responsibility. Also if you create a community you should be active in it too, just like this topic should attract their attention. Why does Kye aka kalcor for example not respond here like "we are developing an anti cheat for the future sa-mp version". That announcement would be nice! And he would show us some respect if he already said he is not going to improve the anti cheat futures. Maybe I respect them but you don't know. I don't have to respect them 24/7. I have my own bad days too. |
There was an anti-cheat in the past that was developed and maintained by the developers, but it removed when the developer left the team (and leaked sa-mp's source). Its pretty much a FULL time job developing an anti-cheat, and it requires time that im sure kalcor doesn't have. Why should he waste time he could be using to develop new features for sa-mp on an anti-cheat?
The development team is pretty small nowadays (im thinking its kalcor and one other guy now?) so the resources for a full on AC thats constantly maintained just isn't there.
As for your question, he doesnt respond here saying he's developing an AC system because he probably isnt. I can see why (and hopefully you can too now lol). If i were him i wouldnt post here too! He knows how tricky making a AC is (i mean ACTUALLY knows, unlike %97 percent of the people here) and im sure he doesnt feel like having his intelligence insulted when people bring up methods that just wont work; him having to explain why every single idea doesnt work would be tiring as well (and he'd have to do it multiple time lmao, someone JUST suggested keys again!).