Tele co-ords ???

Hey i am using a SA-MP Map Constructor from HERE!(by Jernejl) i made a stunt area so now i need to make a tele cmd so i clicked where i want the player to be teleported and got the co-ord for cmd....and made the command like this
SetPlayerPosWithVehicle(playerid, 1347.3750, 1393.2188, 7.8516, 0.0, cmdtext);
but this teles the player half in the ground...... How can i get the co-ords so the player tele on the ground not half in the ground?

Please help me!

Thank you for your time!

Messages In This Thread
Tele co-ords ??? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 11.06.2011, 11:23
Re: Tele co-ords ??? - by Osviux - 11.06.2011, 11:27
Re: Tele co-ords ??? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 11.06.2011, 11:33
Re: Tele co-ords ??? - by Osviux - 11.06.2011, 11:34
Re: Tele co-ords ??? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 11.06.2011, 11:38
Re: Tele co-ords ??? - by Osviux - 11.06.2011, 11:40
Re: Tele co-ords ??? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 11.06.2011, 11:42
Re: Tele co-ords ??? - by Osviux - 11.06.2011, 11:48
Re: Tele co-ords ??? - by Ronaldo_raul™ - 11.06.2011, 11:55
Re: Tele co-ords ??? - by Osviux - 11.06.2011, 11:56

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