Game Recorder

I always used fraps, i record (ofcourse) on my desktop (around 2GB). Then i edit it with Windows Live Movie Maker and save it as HD -> It was 500 MB

-> Record with fraps and edit it with WLMM

Messages In This Thread
Game Recorder - by Namaco - 10.06.2011, 12:26
Re: Game Recorder - by iGetty - 10.06.2011, 12:37
Re: Game Recorder - by Namaco - 10.06.2011, 13:07
Respuesta: Game Recorder - by admantis - 10.06.2011, 13:51
Re: Game Recorder - by JakeyBoyo - 10.06.2011, 13:54
Re: Game Recorder - by Mrkrabz - 10.06.2011, 14:32
Re: Game Recorder - by Michael@Belgium - 10.06.2011, 17:15
Re: Game Recorder - by OldDirtyBastard - 10.06.2011, 17:23
Re: Game Recorder - by Mrkrabz - 10.06.2011, 17:26
Re: Game Recorder - by iGetty - 10.06.2011, 18:19

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