How do I remove?

add a -S8192 or -S16384 to the compilers parameters. it will fix the heap/stack buffer size.
i use it to SOLVE the warning, coz iam using a switch(){} with like 60 cases inside. the same applies to large if/else if/else if/else if blocks.

Messages In This Thread
How do I remove? - by freshOrange - 08.06.2011, 11:50
AW: How do I remove? - by Nero_3D - 08.06.2011, 12:16
Re: How do I remove? - by Jeffry - 08.06.2011, 12:44
Re: How do I remove? - by Babul - 08.06.2011, 12:56
Re: How do I remove? - by Babul - 08.06.2011, 13:17
Re: How do I remove? - by Babul - 08.06.2011, 13:58
Re: How do I remove? - by Jeffry - 08.06.2011, 14:34

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