What's wrong

expected token: "*then", but found "return"
must be a constant expression; assumed zero

Error line:

pawn Код:
if{health < 250) return SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, "Watch out! An AIR-WAR vehicle is coming down from the sky! Watch your head!");
Thanks. ^^

Messages In This Thread
What's wrong - by Face9000 - 07.06.2011, 15:07
Re: What's wrong - by xRyder - 07.06.2011, 15:10
Re: What's wrong - by Face9000 - 07.06.2011, 15:14
Re: What's wrong - by xRyder - 07.06.2011, 15:20
Re: What's wrong - by Face9000 - 07.06.2011, 15:23

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