Label problem

pawn Код:
//on top of your gamemode (since i think you will be updating this per vehicle, so you need a variable for EVERY vehicle)
    new Text3D:V3D[MAX_VEHICLES];

    //the loop on gamemodeinit/filterscriptinit where ever you want it
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
        new Float:vHealth;
        GetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, vHealth);
        new vhp[64];
        format(vhp, sizeof(vhp), "HP: %.0f", vHealth);//first formatting and THEN inserting it into a label
        V3D[i] = Create3DTextLabel(vhp,COLOR_GREEN,0,0,0,40,0,0);
Please note that you only have to do this loop once, you can use Update3DTextLabelText to update the health status in a timer!

Messages In This Thread
Label problem - by Face9000 - 06.06.2011, 21:24
Re: Label problem - by dr.pepper - 06.06.2011, 21:37
Re: Label problem - by Face9000 - 06.06.2011, 21:44
Re: Label problem - by gamer931215 - 06.06.2011, 21:46
Re: Label problem - by Tee - 06.06.2011, 21:47
Re: Label problem - by Face9000 - 06.06.2011, 22:02
Re: Label problem - by PrawkC - 06.06.2011, 22:07
Re: Label problem - by Face9000 - 06.06.2011, 22:11

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