Anti Teleport hax

Better do it like this:
pawn Код:
new Float:LastPosition[MAX_PLAYERS][3];
new TeleportWarnings[MAX_PLAYERS];
new TeleportAllowed[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnFilterScriptInit()
    SetTimer("Hacks", 1000, true);
    return 1;

forward Hacks();
public Hacks()
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 400.0, LastPosition[i][0], LastPosition[i][1], LastPosition[i][2]) && EnteredInterior[i] == 0 && GetPlayerState(i) != PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER && GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID(i) == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
                if (!TeleportAllowed[playerid]) {
                    SendClientMessage(i, 0xFF0000FF, "You hack :(");
                    TeleportWarnings[i] ++;
                    if(TeleportWarnings[i] >= 3)
                        BanEx(i, "Teleporting");
                } else TeleportAllowed[playerid] = 0;
            GetPlayerPos(i, LastPosition[i][0], LastPosition[i][1], LastPosition[i][2]);
    return 1;

stock SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:angle, interiorid = 0)
    TeleportAllowed[playerid] = 1;
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
    SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, angle);
    SetPlayerInterior(playerid, interiorid);
Or even better with a timer that sets TeleportAllowed[playerid] to 0 after a few seconds. But this way should also do it.

Messages In This Thread
Anti Teleport hax - by Unknown123 - 05.06.2011, 22:29
Re: Anti Teleport hax - by Mauzen - 05.06.2011, 22:45
Re: Anti Teleport hax - by Unknown123 - 05.06.2011, 22:49
Re: Anti Teleport hax - by Mauzen - 05.06.2011, 22:53
Re: Anti Teleport hax - by Unknown123 - 05.06.2011, 23:07

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