17.08.2006, 23:32
#include <a_samp> // for the samp stuff #include <dutils> // for the functions dini and dudb need #include <dudb> // for the userdatabase, get dudb version 1.2 for this. #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if ((strcmp(%3, "/%1", true, %2+1) == 0)&&(((%3[%2+1]==0)&&(dcmd_%1(playerid,"")))||((%3[%2+1]==32)&&(dcmd_%1(playerid,%3[%2+2]))))) return 1 #define COLOR_SYSTEM 0xEFEFF7AA new PLAYERLIST_authed[MAX_PLAYERS]; public SystemMsg(playerid,msg[]) { if ((IsPlayerConnected(playerid))&&(strlen(msg)>0)) { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SYSTEM,msg); } return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]) { dcmd(login,5,cmdtext) // because login has 5 characters dcmd(register,8,cmdtext) // because register has 8 characters return false; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { return false; } /* * This function will be useful when we need the playername * © by DracoBlue 2006 */ public PlayerName(playerid) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); return name; } /* * /register password * */ dcmd_register(playerid,params[]) { // The command shouldn't work if we already are authed if (PLAYERLIST_authed[playerid]) return SystemMsg(playerid,"Already authed."); // The command shouldn't work if an account with this // nick already exists if (udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid))) return SystemMsg(playerid,"Account already exists, please use '/login password'."); // Did he forgot the password? if (strlen(params)==0) return SystemMsg(playerid,"Correct usage: '/register password'"); // We save the money to the accstate if (udb_Create(PlayerName(playerid),params,GetPlayerMoney(playerid),"")) return SystemMsg(playerid,"Account successfully created. Login with '/login password' now."); return true; } /* * /login password * */ dcmd_login(playerid,params[]) { // The command shouldn't work if we already are authed if (PLAYERLIST_authed[playerid]) return SystemMsg(playerid,"Already authed."); // The command shouldn't work if an account with this // nick does not exists if (!udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid))) return SystemMsg(playerid,"Account doesn't exist, please use '/register password'."); // Did he forgot the password? if (strlen(params)==0) return SystemMsg(playerid,"Correct usage: '/login password'"); if (udb_CheckLogin(PlayerName(playerid),params)) { // Login was correct // Since we are using the "accstate"-variable to save and // read the money of the player, we can update his money now. // Following thing is the same like the missing SetPlayerCommand GivePlayerMoney(playerid,udb_getAccState(PlayerName(playerid))-GetPlayerMoney(playerid)); PLAYERLIST_authed[playerid]=true; return SystemMsg(playerid,"Successfully authed!"); } else { // Login was incorrect return SystemMsg(playerid,"Login failed!"); } return true; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid) { if (PLAYERLIST_authed[playerid]) { // Was loggedin, so save the data! udb_setAccState(PlayerName(playerid),GetPlayerMoney(playerid)); } return false; }
Can Anyone Tell me What I Did Wrong....? plz